Monday, January 27, 2014

Duct Cleaning

I am changing it up a little today to share something you may not know too much about –Duct Cleaning. Yes, the ducts in your house have to be cleaned from time to time. I recently contacted an expert in the field of HVAC and duct cleaning and found a wealth of information. Hence, the reason I want to share the answers from some of the questions I had. I think this is a topic most people do not know much about until they come across it in passing at your local home store or someone approaches you about cleaning your ducts. I found some very beneficial information, which I had not realized and this is why I wanted to share it with you.
This expert I speak of has many years of experience in the HVAC industry and has his own business cleaning residential ducts. If you are local to Pewaukee, WI, I highly recommend getting your ducts checked out (inspection first) by John Campbell of John’s Duct Cleaning.
See his website for more info and services he can offer you!
Why Duct Cleaning – Why clean my Air Ducts?
What if I told you there are trillions of allergens finding their way into your home every day? Crazy, right…Well you can combat these allergens by keeping your ducts clean. Duct cleaning is a way to reduce the sources of contaminants in your air that could trigger adverse health conditions.
Think about the last time you did a little spring cleaning around your house. You move the couch and find an inch of dust that has built up over the past year. This same dust accumulates in your air ducts. Do you have pets? This accumulated dust has just become a breeding ground for fungi and dust mites. This can all lead to or is linked to the aggravation of allergies and asthma. This is important to think about especially if you own a previously-owned home…did they have pets?
Clean air ducts are more efficient. This is reason enough to consider duct cleaning. Your house will heat and cool more efficiently and maybe save you on your utility bills.
How Often should Duct Cleaning be done?
This is the million dollar question. There is no real standard out there because it really depends on the conditions in your house. Knowing what your already know from above, you may want to get your air ducts cleaned quite often. Here’s your answer…Get your ducts inspected by a professional like John.
Check out John’s site and contact him to see what he can offer you!
Do you own a new home? Well you might want to get your ducts inspected for accumulation of construction dust. I never thought about this, but I do know there is a lot of drywall dust left behind from builders when your move into a newly built home. Once you have your ducts cleaned or inspected after building that house of your dreams, an inspection should be done every 6-10 years.
How do I know I need Duct Cleaning?
There are a few things you may be able to do yourself. One thing you can check first is if your ducts are exposed – maybe in your basement. Then check for gaps in your ducts. Gaps will indicate unconditioned air is both entering and escaping your ducts. Check the gaps and joints for dust or dirt accumulated. This is a good indication you may have to get your ducts cleaned. This will also affect how efficiently you are heating and cooling your home. Get these gaps fixed!
Who do I contact for a Duct Cleaning?
If you are in the Pewaukee, Wisconsin area, call John! He will give you honest advice specific to your home.
Here are some guidelines when looking for someone to clean your ducts.
1.       Look for someone who will do an inspection before the work. This will let you know if you need to have you ducts cleaned for sure. You should be able to look over their shoulder and see the results of their inspection.
2.       Find out how long the duct cleaning process will take and how they will do it.
3.       Get a quote for the work to be done. On average (depends on the size of your home) you can expect to pay in the range of $400-$1000 to have your ducts cleaned professionally.
These are a few questions and guidelines you can use to help you understand when and how to get your ducts cleaned. The benefits of a professionally cleaned duct system impact the overall health of your home in efficiency and the overall impact of your family’s health. We breathe air everyday – make sure it is clean!


  1. Great advice on duct cleaning, this is really specialist area that more clients need to be educated about!

    Ontario Duct Cleaning

  2. You should be aware that although a substance may look like mold, a positive determination of whether it is mold or not can be made only by an expert and may require laboratory analysis for final confirmation.
